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    Dandong Yuanyi Refined Seafoods CO., LTD. was founded in 1997. Adhering to the business philosophy of “integrity, enhancement, and conscience”, Yuanyi has developed with two wholly-owned subsidiary factories, a product display shop, an ocean squid boat, and many related collaborative factories. Yuanyi has also initially formed an industrial chain, covering fishing, research and development, production, online and offline sales, domestic and foreign trade, and comprehensive utilization. It has more than 600 employees and covers an area of over 15000 square meters. Under the HACCP quality control system for all factories, Yuanyi has qualified for ISO22000 certification, SC certification, and export qualification to regions such as US, EU, Brazil, and Russia. Our company mainly deal with squid, shrimp, and fish. It has multiple advanced and deep aquatic product processing lines, standard purification workshops, and cold storage. The related products are mainly exported to Japan and Korea, which has formed a stable share of the market. The production water for squid raw food products can reach the third level of national laboratory water standards. Based on the fresh ingredients and high-quality products, Yuanyi receives extensive praise from our Japanese customers. In recent years, the frozen squid products with the feature of high-quality materials, non-additive, original relish and taste are highly recognized when exploring the domestic market. Like the clouds in the vast blue sea, Yuanyi is also famous in seafood industry. With a broad view, a determination to build a centenary famous company, a philosophy of exploit enterprising and innovation, Yuanyi will persevere in scientific and technological innovation to become a stronger and bigger company, so that can produce more elaborate and refined products. We wish to cooperate with our customers and various sectors of the community to make a brighter future.
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公司简介: 丹东元一海产精制品有限公司成立于1997年,公司始终秉承“守信、精进、致良知”的经营理念稳步发展,截止目前已拥有两个全资子工厂、一个产品展示店、一艘远洋鱿钓船及数家协作配套工厂,已初步形成了集捕捞、研发、生产、线上线下销售、国内外贸易及综合开发利用的产业链雏形。现有员工600余人,占地面积15000多平方米。所属工厂均实行HACCP质量控制体系,并获得ISO22000认证、SC认证,具有美国、欧盟、巴西、俄罗斯等国家和地区的出口资质。公司主营鱿鱼、虾、鱼三大类产品,拥有多条先进的水产品精深加工生产线和标准净化车间及冷库,产品主要出口至日本及韩国,一直拥有着坚实稳固的市场份额。其中鱿鱼类生食系列产品的生产用水可达到国家实验室三级用水标准,在确保食材鲜美的同时,严格把控产品质量,获得日本客户的一致好评。近年来公司在国内市场亦有所开拓,鱿鱼类冻品系列产品精选优质原料,无添加剂,保留原有口感和味道,受到国内市场高度认可。碧海流云长,元一美名扬,元一人将以博大的胸襟、以铸就百年名企之决心,秉承开拓进取、不断创新的信念,坚持走科技创新之路,把产品做精、做细,把企业做大、做强,并与广大客户和社会各界人士携手共进,共赢未来。
Company Profile: Dandong Yuanyi Refined Seafoods CO., LTD. was founded in 1997. Adhering to the business philosophy of “integrity, enhancement, and conscience”, Yuanyi has developed with two wholly-owned subsidiary factories, a product display shop, an ocean squid boat, and many related collaborative factories. Yuanyi has also initially formed an industrial chain, covering fishing, research and development, production, online and offline sales, domestic and foreign trade, and comprehensive utilization. It has more than 600 employees and covers an area of over 15000 square meters. Under the HACCP quality control system for all factories, Yuanyi has qualified for ISO22000 certification, SC certification, and export qualification to regions such as US, EU, Brazil, and Russia. Our company mainly deal with squid, shrimp, and fish. It has multiple advanced and deep aquatic product processing lines, standard purification workshops, and cold storage. The related products are mainly exported to Japan and Korea, which has formed a stable share of the market. The production water for squid raw food products can reach the third level of national laboratory water standards. Based on the fresh ingredients and high-quality products, Yuanyi receives extensive praise from our Japanese customers. In recent years, the frozen squid products with the feature of high-quality materials, non-additive, original relish and taste are highly recognized when exploring the domestic market. Like the clouds in the vast blue sea, Yuanyi is also famous in seafood industry. With a broad view, a determination to build a centenary famous company, a philosophy of exploit enterprising and innovation, Yuanyi will persevere in scientific and technological innovation to become a stronger and bigger company, so that can produce more elaborate and refined products. We wish to cooperate with our customers and various sectors of the community to make a brighter future.