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    COPMANY PROFILEGuangdong Mingji Aquatic Product Group Co.,Ltd. is located in Xinxing County,Guangdong Province.It is a leading company of the key agriculture of Guangdong Province,which commits itself to aquacultrue,seafood processing,distribution serving and exporting. The company is invested 150 million yuan,the floor area is 50 thousand ㎡,has tens of thousands of acres farms and large-scale workshop.Besides, we are equipped with internationally advanced production technology and equipment. Mingji makes full use of local natural source,build up integrated business operation “company + base + standardize cultivation + market”,has 1300 cooperative farmers,18 thousand arces of cooperative farms that have been registered by China Customs.Mingji takes standardized product as guidance,improves farming standards and levels of raw material,ensure product safty and supply. Mingji has good production condition and advanced equipment, daily capability of processing raw material is 100 tons.Meanwhile, we equipped advanced IQF machines,ice making machines, large ammonia machines, quick freezers, large-sized coldstorages,Ozone production lines for sterilizing and laboratory for microbiology and drug residual testing. Mingji mainly processes and sells Tilapia,Longsnout Catfish,Grass Carp,Seabass,Channel Catfish,Snakehead,Basa,Golden Pompano.We can process some kinds of product: Butterflied fish,skinless fillet,skin-on fillet,medium-deep skinned fillet and marinated fillet etc..Our products are popular in domestic and overseas.Mingji has excellent distribution service.Our distribution team is employed with Health Certificates, fast,efficient,fresh is the goal of our team.We have total 80 refrigerator cars,our distribution net acrosses all the country.Since founded in 2006,Mingji was verified and approved by China athority to get Hygiene certificate of Exported foods ;the HACCP verification certificate; certification of European Union; BAP certificate;Also our registered trademark ”Sondee” was honored to be Guangdong Famous-brand Products;Manufacturing base of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area “Shopping Basket Project”; Processor of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area “Shopping Basket Project”Looking into the future,Mingji is keeping developing,creating and striving for excellence. Sureness,Graveness,Persistence,Empressement. Not the best,but beg better. Mingji will insist enterprise spirit of “High quality to create value”,attentively to process good and safe products.Welcome all friends to build a good future with us.
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公司简介: 广东明基水产集团有限公司位于中国禅宗六祖惠能故里新兴县,是一家专业从事鱼类养殖、加工、冷藏和销售配送服务一体化的广东省农业产业化重点龙头企业。总投资1.5亿元,占地面积5万平方米,拥有数万亩水产养殖基地和大型加工厂房,配备有国际先进的生产技术和设备。明基水产利用新兴县优越自然资源,建立起“公司+基地+合作社+农户”的合作经营模式,合作养殖户1300多家,经国家海关总署出口备案的定点养殖鱼塘面积达到1.8万多亩。以产品标准化为导向,全面提高原料养殖的标准化和养殖水平,确保产品安全和产量供应。明基水产的生产环境卫生、设备先进,日加工原料100吨,配套有先进技术的速冻螺旋单冻机组、制冰机组、制冷机组、急冷冻库、冷冻库以及臭氧杀菌消毒生产线和检测水产药残、微生物检验室。主要加工销售水产有:罗非鱼、长吻鮠(江团)、草鱼、海鲈鱼、清江鱼、黑鱼、巴沙鱼,金鲳鱼;制作有开背鱼、带皮鱼片、浅去皮鱼片、中深去皮鱼片和调味鱼片等品种;产品畅销全球十多个国家和地区,内销遍及全国各地。明基水产有优质的配送服务,专业配送团队持健康证上岗,快速、高效、保鲜是配送团队的目标。80多台大、中、小型冷藏配送车,配送网络覆盖全国。自2006年成立以来,公司先后通过和获得出口食品卫生认证、输美HACCP认证、欧盟认证、“双雕”注册商标荣获广东省名牌产品、粤港澳大湾区“菜篮子”生产基地、粤港澳大湾区“菜篮子”加工企业、广东省农产品出口示范基地等多个称号。展望未来,公司不断开拓创新,追求卓越。踏实、认真!执着、实在!不求最好,但求更好!明基人始终如一坚持“优质创造价值”的企业精神,用心做好食材,用智慧与汗水为人类奉献幸福的味道。
Company Profile: COPMANY PROFILEGuangdong Mingji Aquatic Product Group Co.,Ltd. is located in Xinxing County,Guangdong Province.It is a leading company of the key agriculture of Guangdong Province,which commits itself to aquacultrue,seafood processing,distribution serving and exporting. The company is invested 150 million yuan,the floor area is 50 thousand ㎡,has tens of thousands of acres farms and large-scale workshop.Besides, we are equipped with internationally advanced production technology and equipment. Mingji makes full use of local natural source,build up integrated business operation “company + base + standardize cultivation + market”,has 1300 cooperative farmers,18 thousand arces of cooperative farms that have been registered by China Customs.Mingji takes standardized product as guidance,improves farming standards and levels of raw material,ensure product safty and supply. Mingji has good production condition and advanced equipment, daily capability of processing raw material is 100 tons.Meanwhile, we equipped advanced IQF machines,ice making machines, large ammonia machines, quick freezers, large-sized coldstorages,Ozone production lines for sterilizing and laboratory for microbiology and drug residual testing. Mingji mainly processes and sells Tilapia,Longsnout Catfish,Grass Carp,Seabass,Channel Catfish,Snakehead,Basa,Golden Pompano.We can process some kinds of product: Butterflied fish,skinless fillet,skin-on fillet,medium-deep skinned fillet and marinated fillet etc..Our products are popular in domestic and overseas.Mingji has excellent distribution service.Our distribution team is employed with Health Certificates, fast,efficient,fresh is the goal of our team.We have total 80 refrigerator cars,our distribution net acrosses all the country.Since founded in 2006,Mingji was verified and approved by China athority to get Hygiene certificate of Exported foods ;the HACCP verification certificate; certification of European Union; BAP certificate;Also our registered trademark ”Sondee” was honored to be Guangdong Famous-brand Products;Manufacturing base of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area “Shopping Basket Project”; Processor of Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area “Shopping Basket Project”Looking into the future,Mingji is keeping developing,creating and striving for excellence. Sureness,Graveness,Persistence,Empressement. Not the best,but beg better. Mingji will insist enterprise spirit of “High quality to create value”,attentively to process good and safe products.Welcome all friends to build a good future with us.